Spotted: Technology for finding those little things we've lost

But is this overkill? Maybe we should stop making things that disappear so easily. Certainly for remotes, a "find my remote" function is called for. 

// published on Ubiquitous Computing-Latest Proceeding Volume // visit site

Find my stuff: supporting physical objects search with relative positioning
Jens Nickels, Pascal Knierim, Bastian Könings, Florian Schaub, Björn Wiedersheim, Steffen Musiol, Michael Weber

Searching for misplaced keys, phones, or wallets is a common nuisance. Find My Stuff (FiMS) provides search support for physical objects inside furniture, on room level, and in multiple locations, e.g., home and office. Stuff tags make objects searchable while all other localization components are integrated into furniture. FiMS requires minimal configuration and automatically adapts to the user's furniture arrangement. Object search is supported with relative position cues, such as "phone is inside top drawer" or "the wallet is between couch and table," which do not require exact object localization. Functional evaluation of our prototype shows the approach's practicality with sufficient accuracy in realistic environments and low energy consumption.